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Big Holes, Small Holes 大洞洞 小洞洞
作者:    瀏覽人數: 2582   2017-06-15   分享

By Chen, Mu-Cheng
Illustrated by Chiu, Cheng-Tsung

Nominated in the 35th Golden Tripod Award.
The recommendation book of the Ministry of Culture.
The recommendation book of the 2014 Bookstart freshmen reading project (in the elementary school and junior high school category).
Why is there a hole on the ground?
It turns out to be the home of a lot of animals, including mice, earthworms, moles, pill woodlouses, and a lot of other animals. These animals dig all kinds of holes under the ground, forming convenient underground tunnels. Not merely animals, people also build up un-impended traffic tunnels under the ground.

A locally produced picture book which combines natural ecology and spatial concept, nurturing the children's ability in understanding their surroundings via the help of colorful pictures and special topographic profiles. 

About Chen, Mu-Cheng

Chen used to work as an elementary school teacher, reporter, principal, educational inspector, and editor-in-chief of the mandarin textbooks of elementary school, etc... He now serves as the president of the Society of Children's Literature of the Republic of China, and the president of the Environmental Preservation Association in Taipei County.

Chen's interests include country ecology, language education and literary writing, and he has published in varied categories such as fairy tales, children's poems, picture books, and the critique of poetic theories and so on. He has written more than three hundred books and has won more than twenty literary or educational awards. And his numerous creative projects continue to grow…

Chiu, Cheng-Tsung

Chiu was a trouble maker in the mind of adults since he was a little boy. He was always full of fantasies and has found scribbling his only emotional exit. Though he went through quite a lot of setbacks, he made up his mind to devote his whole life depicting life and nature after forty years old.

He loves insects with all his heart and loves to seek for the mystery of the ecology of all kinds of insects. He wishes that he could draw the insects, photograph the insects, and immerse himself in the investigation of the ecology of the insects as his mind and imagination lead him.

His works has won numerous awards, including the best children's/young people's book in the science category of the Tripod Award. He was also twice nominated in the Bologna Children's Bookfair-Illustrator exhibition in the nonfiction category.

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