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My Vegetable Babies 我的蔬菜寶寶
作者:    瀏覽人數: 1982   2017-06-15   分享

By Chen, Li-Ya

This easy reading book introduces fun facts about root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes that we eat in our daily life. Vegetables are illustrated realistically yet with lovely expression. Common insects in the field are also depicted. Every vegetable is introduced in two page spreads; the first one only presents its leaves and stems, and the second the whole. The book will attract children to know more about these foods and to get closer to nature.

About Chen, Li-Ya

As a professional artist, Chen specializes in making Chinese brush paintings, scenery paintings, and profile portraits. She has contributed a lot to Taiwanese local children's books on nature and environment. She has won several awards, including Green Sprout Award held by Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration. Her works also featured in the first CJ Picture Book Festival. Her other works include The Lotus Pond, and Grow A Cabbage by Myself.
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